Updating of the Results Matrices (RM) and Bangsamoro Development Investment Program (BDIP) of the 1st Bangsamoro Development Plan (BDP) 2020-2022 with MOH and OCM attached offices

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Geared towards the updating of the Results Matrices (RM) and Bangsamoro Development Investment Program (BDIP) of the 1st Bangsamoro Development Plan (BDP) 2020-2022, the Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority (BPDA) gathered the planning and budget officers of the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Office of the Chief Minister (OCM) including its attached offices Wednesday until Thursday, April 28-29 at BPDA Conference Hall, Bangsamoro Government Center in Cotabato City.

Among the participating offices under the OCM include the Office of the Senior Minister, Bangsamoro Attorney General Office (BAGO), Technical Management Services (TMS), Administrative Management Services (AMS), Bangsamoro Board of Investments (BBOI), Bangsamoro Information Office (BIO), Development Academy of the Bangsamoro (DAB), Bangsamoro Darul Ifta (BDI), Bangsamoro Information and Communications Technology Office (BICTO), Cooperative and Social Enterprise Authority (CSEA), and Bangsamoro Commission for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (BCPCH).

Moreover, the aforementioned BARMM ministry, agencies and offices are the seventh batch who are working with the BPDA to update their RM and BDIP as part of the preparation for the forthcoming budget call for the fiscal year 2022.